Friday, 12 May 2017

Anyone can be an entrepreneur

If you can think differently, you can be an entrepreneur

Message about team work

Team work makes dreams works, nobody can achieve success alone. Alone we can we can do only little, together we can do so much, a wonderful message by Team 1.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

MCA (Regular) Placement touched 91%

The placement of MCA (Current Regular Batch) has touched 91%. MCA@Marian was able to achieve this height, with one more semester still left before the completion of the course. Students were placed in multi-national and Indian companies like Speridian, CSS Corp, Orion, Sutherland, etc. MCA@Marian was also able to achieve the highest number of placements in Speridian as compared to other MCA colleges. Meanwhile, Wipro Technologies has started boarding our 28 students selected from the last batch, whereas 9 students have boarded Allianz and RMESI, both Technopark Companies.
IOE is based on the idea that in the future, Internet connection will not be restricted to laptop or desktop computers and a handful of tables, as in previous decades. Instead, machine will generally become smarter by having more access to data and expand networking opportunities.

Evolution of current sensors and device networks, with strong interaction with people and social environment, will have a dramatic impact on everything from city planning’s, first responders and military to health.

Digital marketing in tourism

As part of our Domain Expertise based on tourism, we have to visit the tourist places and identify the resorts and home stays near those places. Our main objective is to provide the services that improve their business, the technical skills of students, entrepreneurship skills, to gain the knowledge on tourism and to earn money.

A video explaining the services offered by mca@marian to their clients.

Making Impossible Possible

Even with all the challenges present, Team 2 were able to make good on their word and produce a video that was both motivating and uplifting.
Making Impossible Possible

The main intention behind the creation of this video is to encourage and motivate students to think beyond boundaries such that their learning goes beyond books. This video was made by students of MCA lateral (2k16-18) as a part of their creative studio program initiated by MCA@ Marian.