Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Scope of Data Science/Analytics

Being a Data Scientist is one of the hottest and trending career option of the decade. Data Scientists are those who perform data science. A Data scientist performs research and analyses data and help companies flourish by predicting growth, trends and business insights based on a large amount of data.                     
Data Science = Statistics + Math + CS + Domain Knowledge + Excellent Comm Skills

Analytic can change the present business by watching the huge lumps of data present before, change the business situation of the company, expand on the new arrangement of business models, energize the imaginative procedures, and create an outcome which totally improves the development for a company to a more prominent level.

 A professional with the Analytical skills can master the ocean of Big Data and become a vital asset to an organization, boosting the business and their career.

Google Wind

Google has made number of things possible for as by one click. And now Google has gone one step further something unreliable and extraordinary. The Google has announced their latest project ‘GOOGLE WIND’. It is an imaginary system announced by the Google team in Netherland. By this project company claims to be able to change the directions of winds, keep a tab on rainfall and control the weather in Netherland through responding the country’s old windmills. The Google cloud platform team in Netherland came up with the novel idea of GOOGLE WIND.
            In Netherland 145 days in a year was rainy season. There are not many sunny days in the year. The Google has volunteered to step into provide the country with more sunny days. This project is so bold that  the Google is claiming to even control rainfalls.